Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common chronic dental issue that involves jaw clenching and grinding the teeth. Learn more about how your dentist can help with bruxism.
If you’re a parent, then you know just how important it is that your child brushes and flosses regularly to prevent tooth decay and cavities. Learn more about how sealants can help strengthen your child's teeth.
If you have a college-aged child, you know just how hectic back-to-school preparation and packing can be. Learn more about how to equip your student with the proper tools and habits to keep his or her teeth healthy and bright while away from home.
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is an oral health problem. Learn more about the common causes of dry mouth and simple ways you can improve saliva production.
If you’ve ever had a mouth sore, you know just how painful it can be. Learn more about different types of oral wounds — including canker sores, cold sores and leukoplakia — and how your dentist can help you treat them.
It's no secret that smoking cigarettes — or using any form of tobacco — is bad for your health. Learn more about the consequences of smoking for your oral health, smoking and oral cancer and how to step up your oral hygiene.
Gingivitis is a common, chronic inflammatory disease in the mouth, and the mildest form of gum disease. Learn more about the early signs of gingivitis and how to prevent and treat gingivitis.
When gums recede, it exposes the roots and makes them more susceptible to disease or trauma. It may also cause sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Learn more about common signs of receding gums, causes and what you can do to treat it.
If you suffer from dental anxiety, you’re not alone. But don’t let fear of the dentist prevent you from getting the treatment your teeth needs and deserves this year. Learn about simple ways to overcome your fear of the dentist.
Ready to improve your teeth — and smile — with cosmetic dentistry? Consider starting 2022 with whiter teeth and a brighter smile. Keep reading to learn more about cosmetic dental services, such as professional teeth whitening, Invisalign and more.