
Debunking Myths About Root Canals

There are many myths about root canal treatment that discourage patients from treatment. But the truth is, root canal treatment can help save your tooth and relieves pain. Learn about the importance of root canals and the common myths about treatment.

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month: What You Need to Know

We are working to raise awareness of oral cancer and how routine screenings with your dentist can help in early detection. Learn about the common risk factors of oral cancer, warning signs and what you can do to prevent it.

Marching Towards Madness: Play It Safe With Mouthguards

Whether you enjoy watching college basketball or not, it is important that you or your child always protect your smile when playing any type of high impact sport. Learn about the importance of mouthguards and what to do if you suffer a dental injury.

Love Your Smile with Teeth Whitening

Learn about the benefits of whiter teeth, ways to minimize stains and how professional whitening provided by McLean DDS is the easiest and most effective way to significantly enhance your smile.

A New Year, A New Smile

If your resolution for 2019 is to get healthy, consider focusing on your mouth. Learn easy ways to boost your dental health in 2019 through excellent oral hygiene, good nutrition, improved lifestyle habits and regular dental visits.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

If you wish to correct multiple smile imperfections in one treatment, then porcelain veneers might be a good option for you. Learn about the benefits of veneers and how to know if you are a good candidate.

Gum Disease Myths Debunked

Despite being a widespread oral health problem, many people misunderstand gum disease. In fact, there are many myths surrounding the topic that may prevent patients from seeking the treatment they need.

Dental Implants: What to Expect

Dental implants are quickly becoming the standard of care when it comes to replacing one or more missing teeth. Learn about the benefits of dental implants and what a patient should expect from the procedure.

The Surprising Link Between Gum Disease and Your Heart

Ongoing studies have found that people with gum disease are almost twice as likely to have heart disease. Taking steps to keep our gums healthy is more important now than ever.

Back To School, Back To The Dentist

While the heat and fun of summer isn’t over yet, the start of a new school year is inching closer every day. As you begin thinking about back-to-school shopping and appointments for your kids, don’t forget to schedule your child’s dental checkup.

Take the First Step Toward a Healthy, Beautiful Smile

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