
FAQs About Restorative Dentistry

At McLean DDS, we have worked with many patients to help them achieve healthy, beautiful smiles through restorative dental work. Learn more about restorative dentistry today.

How to Maintain Results of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening performed quick, safe and effective way to achieve a radiant smile in as few as one appointment. Learn more about teeth whitening.

Tooth Contouring: A Painless Way To Enhance Your Smile

Tooth contouring is the process of reshaping your teeth to correct minor dental issues. Learn more about how tooth contouring works, the benefits of dental contouring and if you are a good candidate.

Easing Dental Anxiety in Children

If your child is showing signs of dental anxiety, learn more about some helpful ways to ease apprehension so that she or he can receive the necessary care to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

Benefits Of Nitrous Oxide For Dental Treatment

Dental anxiety is a common condition that causes patients to feel afraid or nervous about visiting the dentist or having dental procedures. Learn more about the numerous treatments that can be administered to help with anxiety.

Is The Cold Weather Hurting My Teeth?

Have you ever noticed your teeth hurting more during the cold winter months? Learn more about the causes of sensitive teeth and options for relief.

5 Ways To Boost Your Dental Health In 2023

As you think about self-improvement goals for the year, resolving to improve your dental health is a great start. Learn more about some positive changes you can make to boost your dental health in 2023 and achieve a healthier smile.

Oral Hygiene Products Make Great Stocking Stuffers

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s time to think about your kids’ stocking stuffers. Instead of candy and sugary sweets this year, consider these fun stocking stuffers that are useful and promote good oral health.

Vaping And Oral Health

Vaping or using e-cigarettes is typically perceived as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco products. Learn more about the negative impacts that smoking e-cigarettes can have on your oral health.

Teeth Grinding And How Your Dentist Can Help

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common chronic dental issue that involves jaw clenching and grinding the teeth. Learn more about how your dentist can help with bruxism.

Take the First Step Toward a Healthy, Beautiful Smile

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